How do you pay for all of your expenses on your website? It's so hard to pay for the big bill, hosting. My hosting is the most I have every year and it's $60. Not much. But nothing I want to spend.
2 Re: Paying for Expenses March 1st 2012, 10:31 pm
Novice Poster
Hmm... so far I have no expenses, but once I get alot of members, I am going to buy a domain name which costs 1600 credits, which is maybe $27? So once one of my forums gets active, the most active one, will get the domain name.
3 Re: Paying for Expenses March 2nd 2012, 3:37 am
Novice Poster
Till now no expense for me. But now moving to paid host. Which may cost around 40$
4 Re: Paying for Expenses March 2nd 2012, 8:09 am
Generally I pay everything out of pocket. I've recently added ads to my blog and hope to do the same to my forum. I also now accept donations and member who do make donations get special privileges that others will not. So I'm hoping all of that helps to pay for things down the line.
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